We hope that your church is planning to participate in the Prayer Walk for Schools this year. The WMBA Prayer Walk for Schools is scheduled for Saturday, July 27, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. The WMBA is encouraging our churches to not only physically pray at school locations, but to also pray from their homes or churches, and then share that they prayed on our Facebook page. Churches that plan to pray in person at schools, must contact the principal of each school that you will be praying at. With the exception of Cobb County schools. Cobb County prayer group leaders please contact, Sandra Oliver, Executive Asst., Chief of Staff Office, Cobb County School District, at sandra.oliver@cobbk12.org or 770-426-3452. This is an excellent opportunity to find out the prayer needs of each school. Whether you are planning to pray on the school campus or not, it would be beneficial to contact the principals to let them know that they are being prayed for.
Thank you, tor your partnership in praying for our schools in Cobb, Douglas, & Paulding Counties!
For those praying at schools—Gather at 10:00 a.m. at the flagpole of the school.
Open the walk in prayer with the entire group at the flagpole.
Each prayer team should have two to five people. (If you are blessed by having a large turnout, break up into groups and choose a leader for each group. Have the groups start at different locations so they do not interfere with one another.)
The prayer leader may lead all of the prayers, may allow volunteers to lead prayers, or let the group have a group prayer (let group members take turns at any or all prayer stations).
When entering an area, please be considerate of other prayer groups that may be in that area.
Meet back at the flagpole after your group has finished the prayer circuit.
Prayer Circuit
We will not enter the buildings so if identification of school areas is possible from the outside of the school building, stop and pray at each of the following (if not, pray for these things at areas around the building):
Bus Lanes – pray for drivers and their precious cargo, safety
Cafeteria – safety, protection, fellowship, caring, unbelievers, workers
Office – safety, wisdom, leadership
Classrooms - students and teachers, safety, minds open to learning, class discipline, respect for authority and others, unbelievers, strength to withstand peer pressure, healthy relationships, fellowship
Media Center – safety, minds open to learning, wisdom
Gym/Fields – safety, sportsmanship, fairness, coaches, healthy competition, teamwork
Student Parking Areas – safety, appropriate behavior
Entrances, Exits – protection, appropriate behavior
Gathering Areas/Commons – protection, appropriate behavior, fellowship
Let us as a network of churches continue to pray for our schools, specifically that:
That God would allow both students and teachers who follow Christ to be a witness among other students and teachers.
That our churches that are ministering in schools through after-school programs, reading programs, and food ministries will be able to clearly share the gospel with students and teachers.
That God would bring a revival among the current generation of students that would begin in the West Metro area.
That God would keep our schools and those attending them safe from any type of threat this year.
Thank you for your partnership in the gospel ministry in West Metro, and thank you for praying specifically for schools this week! It is our great joy to partner together for the Kingdom!
The WMBA 2024 Prayer Walk for Schools is scheduled for Saturday, July, 27, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. The WMBA is encouraging our churches to not only physically pray at school locations (parking lots with permission), but to also pray from their homes or churches and then share that they prayed on our Facebook page. No live streaming is allowed.
Churches that plan to pray in person at schools, please contact the principals of each school that you will be praying at.
Introduce yourself, advising you will be the PrayerWalk leader at their school on July 27 at 10:00 a.m.
Invite any school staff that will be there that day to join you. (Be there a few minutes before 10:00 so you can welcome others as they arrive.)
This is an excellent opportunity to find out the prayer needs of each school. Whether you are planning to pray on the school campus or not, it would be beneficial to contact the principals to let them know that they are prayed for.
Try to enlist a team to go with you.
Thank everyone who comes. (If you are the only one, continue to each site on the campus.) This will be a great blessing to everyone who participates. Just wait until you see the total! It is awesome to think at the same time you were praying many others were covering other schools in prayer.
If enough walkers are present, split into small groups and go in different directions to start. Each team should pray at every campus site.
Use Prayer Circuit guideline for areas of prayer. Feel free to make copies.
After praying we ask that each person comment on the WMBA Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/WestMetroBaptistAssociation) page Pray for Schools post (July 27):
that they prayed
your church name
the name of the school/schools
post pictures of your group praying, in the comments section of the post
Thank you, for your partnership in praying for our schools in Cobb, Douglas & Paulding counties!
Slide Presentation
Slide Presentation