This page is intended only for WMBA churches who have requested help in determining their current health in order to be strengthened for the future. Please read through the information, and then begin the process by completing the steps in the order they are presented.
The reality of the current health of the local church is the beginning point of discovering God's will for the future of the church. The process outlined here helps the local church to gain an understanding of its current health for the purpose of casting vision for a future of increased gospel relevance and ministry to its community.
In order to assist the leadership of the church in making informed decisions about the future, an assessment needs to be done on the current reality of the church and its impact on the community. Four assessment tools will be utilized in this process:
Current Reality Questionnaire
Church Health Questionnaire
Demographic Study of the Community
Annual Church Profile
A church health assessment is vital to the future of any church. The above four pieces of the assessment process are designed to assist the church in determining its current spiritual health and its prognosis for the future. The consultant will work with your church as a "diagnosing doctor" to help you determine your spiritual health. Your consultant will assist you in the assessment and will lead you in a discussion of each area, with the end goal being to help you hear from God regarding:
1. Your current spiritual health.
2. Your church's current spiritual impact on your community.
As you hear from God regarding these realities, our hope is that you will seek him regarding the future of your church. Once you have completed the six steps to the right, your consultant will set up a time to meet and talk through the current reality of the health of your church.
Step 1
Step 1
To be completed by church staff and leaders
To be completed by church staff and leaders
Step 2
To be completed by church staff, leaders, and members
Step 3
To be completed by pastor
Step 4
To be completed by pastor
Step 5
To be completed by pastor
Step 6
To be completed by pastor